Posted by: BSM

New Tumbuka Common Language Bible to be Launched

The Bible Society of Malawi will be launching the new Tumbuka Bible (common language) on 17 February 2018. The event will take place at Mphatso Motel, in Mzuzu City.

The New Tumbuka Bible has two versions called MAZGU GHA CHIUTA, MUKANG’ANAMULIRO KAPHYA and MAZGU GHA CHIUTA, MUKANG’ANAMULIRO KAPHYA -Bayibulo la Katolika (with Deuterocanonical Books).

The translation of the new Tumbuka Bible took about 20 years to be completed.

Praise be to God for his marvelous deeds!

New Tumbuka Common Language Bible with Deuterocanonical Books
Kunje with Tumbuka Bible2
New Tumbuka Common Language Bible without Deuterocanonical Books
















Tumbuka translators
A number of people have been involved in the the Tumbuka Bible Translation Project over the years, in the picture (from L to R): Rev PK Nyirenda (translator), Mr B Chirwa (translator), Late Pastor L Wowa (translator), Mr M Ntambo (then Manuscript Examiner), Dr G van Steenbergen (Translation Consultant) and Ms J Kayira (Keyboarder)




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