The Bible Society is involved in projects that enable individuals and groups interact with the Word of God continuously. They include:

  • Family Scripture Engagement Pack Project – The project promotes engagement and interaction with God’s word at family level by identifying the needy who are given free Bibles and other Bible based literature.
  • Let the Children Encounter Christ – The project aims at motivating and encouraging Children in Churches to Encounter Christ and develop interest for things of God through provision of child centered materials both in English and Chichewa as well as building children workers’ capacity through inter-church interaction.
  • End to End Project –  The goal of this project is to partner with other organizations and Churches to ensure availability and effective distribution of Scriptures in different formats for Christian nurturing.
  • Bible Youth Advocates – This project aims at encouraging the youth to be Bible lovers, to engage with the Bible and to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. The goal is to mobilize youth, unearth and promote hidden talent and enhance an interface between youth and the Bible Society.
  • Literacy For Women – This Project aims at reducing illiteracy levels in three languages of Yao, Ellomwe and Sena which involves setting up literacy classes in collaboration with other stakeholders. The three languages were chosen due to low Bible usage of the newly launched translations characterized by high illiteracy levels in the areas where these languages are spoken.
  • Young Samaritan Project-Malawi-Young Samaritan Program (YSP) in Malawi, developed by African Youth Service (AYS) and United Bible Societies, focuses on positive youth development for ages 14-24. It utilizes faith-based stories, art, and interactive workshops to address vital issues and empower self-advocacy, life skills, and career planning.