Posted by: Wongani Mhango

Bringing hope through the Braille Bible

Bible Society of Malawi recently partnered with the Friends of the Visually Impaired Children group by making a difference to visually impaired students at Nsiyaludzu school in Ntcheu with the provision of braille Scriptures. The donation was a shot in the arm as it came at a time the students were in desperate need of braille materials, let alone the scriptures.

In her appreciation after receiving the donations, the headteacher of the school could not hold her joy but testified, “What we have seen today its what we call the Lord’s blessing, we never thought of this happening to us, these children they really needed the Bibles in their preferred text which is Braille. One of the leaners one day asked where she could get a Braille Bible of her own. I had no answer for that thoughtful question, today her question has been answered in such a wonderful way, only God knew.”

A student representative thanked the groups for their generosity,

“We want to thank God for bringing you here to our rescue, we thank you for the gifts of school materials. Indeed, we have problems here at the school, but what you have brought us, has made a huge difference, the Braille Bibles will help us read the Bible in our own understanding. This is a commendable job. God bless you all.”

Executive Director of Bible of Society of Malawi, Mphatso Bello handing over the Braille Bibles to Chairperson of the group Friends of Visually Impaired Children, Nipher Chuka on behalf of the Children. (15/03/24)

making the Bible available in every format
The Bible Society CEO, Mr Mphatso Bello, said they thought of donating the Bibles to the schools as way of accomplishing the mandate of the Society of ensuring that the scriptures are in every format, including those for the visually impaired. He also commended Torch Trust for the Blind for making available the braille scriptures to the Bible Society.

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